Prayer Day 9

Seeking the Kingdom of God (Read Mark 1: 14-20)

"“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!”" (Mk 1:15)

It has frequently been observed that “as we come to Him—seeking His face, He comes to us—bringing the Kingdom.” Through the living Christ the Kingdom has been ushered in. His people receive the reality of that Kingdom as they offer themselves to Christ and take up the posture of prayerful obedience.

Although there are many events and circumstances in our world that suggest God is absent, with the eyes of faith we can see how God continues to bring the blessings of the Kingdom into the lives of His people and the events of our world.

Notice the response of Simon, Andrew, James and John to Jesus’ invitation to “Come!” “At once they left their nets,” and “without delay he called them, and they left...”

At once. Without delay.

Each one left behind what they knew, what was secure, their livelihood, their family, and followed the One announcing that a new Kingdom was at hand. Does Jesus still call people to follow Him that way? If so, how is this call experienced in our own lives? How might he be calling us as a congregation to “come, follow me?”


  • Pray that we will hear Jesus’ invitation in our own lives.
  • Pray for God’s Spirit to give us an undivided heart. May we too respond “at once” and “without delay.”
  • As we seek to follow Jesus, pray that God will use us to be His channels of Kingdom blessing for others.
  • Pray that increasingly the Light of Christ will shine through our congregation.
  • Pray that the neighbors of our church will see something of the Kingdom displayed in our communal life together.
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