Prayer Day 11

Seeking the Life of the Kingdom in Marriages and Families (Read Ephesians 5:22 – 6:4)

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure” (Hebrews 13:4a) 

Increasingly in our culture, marriage and family are under attack. Not an intentional, explicit assault, but a subtle and subversive onslaught. Marital infidelity in the media is rampant. Sexual promiscuity is the norm. Young people are taught, mostly by example, to follow their hormones. Marriages increasingly are portrayed as arrangements of convenience rather than life-long commitments.

In a culture guided largely by individual autonomy, personal choice, and a pleasure driven lifestyle, young people and parents face increasing pressure against remaining sexually pure and martially strong.

The Scriptures recognize that marriage and family are essential in passing along the faith to the next generation and providing a place where selfless love can be modeled and experienced.  Thank God for solid marriages that reflect His faithfulness and beauty. 


  • Pray for marriages that are strained to a breaking point.
  • Pray for those couples who’s marriages are failing. Pray that God will bring them both hope and help.
  • Pray that he will heal broken hearts and restore intimacy.
  • Pray that marriages and families will be refreshed by God and centered in Christ.
  • Pray that young people will abstain from intimate sexual expression outside of marriage.
  • Pray that the marriage bed in families will be kept pure. 
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