Prayer Day 12

Seeking the Kingdom for the Poor (Read Psalm 113)

"Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” (Luke 6:20)

Luke’s Gospel begins with a good news announcement to the poor (Luke 4:18), it pronounces blessing to the poor, and when one man comes to faith in Christ and promises to give half of his possessions to the poor, Jesus says, “Today salvation has come to this house!” (Luke 19:9).

Commentators have noted a special privilege given for the poor in Luke. The poor are close to the heart of God. Our cities are filled with people who are poor. In a city with abundant wealth, more than we care to admit live on the street and find themselves trapped in a lifestyle they cannot seem to find freedom from. It’s easy for us to assign blame and impose our sense of priority and work ethic on them without fully understanding their circumstances and limitations.

Jesus modeled compassion for those who are poor and so must we.


  • Pray for God to give us His eyes to see poor people of our cities with compassion.
  • Pray that God will free us from materialism.
  • Pray for justice in our cities that those unjustly impoverished may be cared for.
  • Pray for any shelters, street ministries, or food-banks that come to mind and pray that our hearts will be open to serving them. 
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