Prayer Day 13

Seeking God to Grant Repentance from our Violent Ways 

"Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.” (Jonah 3:8-9) 

God is grieved by the violent ways of people. Media screens are filled with vengeance sold as entertainment. Children are exposed to violence in sport, video games, and toys. Gang violence streams through our streets. At times it feels as though there is an underlying rage that pervades our culture.

We must look into our own lives and homes and find where anger and violence are accepted or celebrated and repent. We must pray that our homes, our streets, and our cities will be places that are liberated from escalating cycles of rage and revenge.

When in the garden, Peter lashed out with violence and cut off the soldier’s ear at Jesus’ arrest. Jesus cried out, “No more of this!” At times even Christians lash out to others with words that are weapons.


  • Pray that we will not become desensitized to the violence that we see around us.
  • Pray that we will always strive to speak the truth in love to one another (Eph. 4:15).
  • Pray that as far as it depends on us we will strive for peace in our relationships with others (Rom. 12:18) 
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