Prayer Day 16

Seeking to pass on the ways of the “contrast community” to the next generation (Read Deuteronomy 4:5- 14)

"Teach them to your children and to their children after them." (Deut. 4:9)

 We have already prayed for God’s protection and blessing on marriages and families. Indeed, families within the Christian community are the primary transmitters of habits and practices that ensure the next generation is raised up in the ways of the Kingdom.

As the people of Israel were poised to enter the land of promise, Moses urges the people to once again commit themselves to a missional calling that takes seriously the task of instructing the next generation. This means we must make choices so that the rhythms of our homes include time for passing the faith along. Family devotions, family worship, sharing faith stories with one another, are practices that teach the faith to the next generation. This can require difficult choices because these times will inevitably compete with other activities like sports, music, ballet, movies, and video games.

Let us remember the promises we made at the baptismal font for our children or for the children of our congregation!


  • Pray for strength and encouragement for young parents who are finding the demands and pressures of raising young children burdensome.
  • Pray that our church will be a rich setting for mutual encouragement and spiritual growth that will bring multiplied blessing to the next generation.
  • Pray that time will set aside for family worship and devotion.
  • Praise God for ministries in our church that seek to pass along the ways of the Kingdom to the next generation
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