Posts with the category “pastor-blog”

Costa Rica Conference
by Wesley Duncan on September 16th, 2024
This week in Costa Rica was the inaugural General Conference of the Global Methodist Church. Perhaps you have followed along with some friends online, but let me share with you a bit of what I read:One friend wrote that he witnessed:"Tears as we signed our constitution and championed a new mission and vision statement. Tears as I saw people fall under the power of the Holy Spirit. Tears as the peo...  Read More
4 Years Out
by Wesley Duncan on April 22nd, 2024
It is hard to believe it has been 4 years since our world went into shutdown mode during Covid 19. Nobody knew what it meant to go into lockdown mode and we surely didn't know how much toilet paper we were going to need.As I've been contemplating what has changed since Covid, I think there are four things that come to mind. First, our world is more polarized after Covid than it was before. It seem...  Read More
Riding a Bike
by Pastor Wesley on January 5th, 2024
This Christmas my daughter achieved a milestone we have been working on for over four years. Audrey learned how to ride a bike. Audrey's attempt to learn how to ride a bike reminded me of our journey in our Christian faith.  Read More
Spiritual Renewal
by Wesley Duncan on September 23rd, 2023
It was not merely an event, it was a spiritual movement, a stirring testament to the unity and power of the global Church. Gathering staff from our church, and thousands from others, it transcended boundaries of nation, generation, and denominations. At the heart of the conference was a shared yearning: a fervent prayer for God's presence to envelop not only the room but also our individual spirits and the sanctuaries of our local churches.   Read More
The Scary Truth
by Pastor Wesley on September 1st, 2023
We are all called to continue to look more like Christ. And sometimes the best way to do that is to be willing to hear from others where we might need to improve. And, I can tell you first hand, that is hard.  Read More
Do You See It?
by Pastor Wesley on August 11th, 2023
My family and I are in Maryland for a few days to attend the funeral of my wife's aunt. I've been thinking of a verse from Isaiah, "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”  Read More
by Wesley Duncan on July 14th, 2023
Negotiating. It always feels like everyone loses. Yesterday, my sister called saying she was driving to town to buy her dream Jeep. I did my research as quickly as I could. I told her what to say, what not to say. She did great. And then, at the last minute, after she thought everything was done, they changed the terms on her.Car negotiations can stir up anxiety and frustration as both parties str...  Read More
Foundation Repair
by Pastor Wesley on July 7th, 2023
Today, I am working on fixing my dad's house before I put it on the market. After he died, we found the house had foundation damage. Now that the foundation has been fixed, there are cracks in the walls and floors to repair.This experience reminds me of the Scripture about the wise man who hears the word of God and builds his house on the rock. Sometimes I see cracks appearing in my heart. I get a...  Read More