Renewal of Lent
on March 6th, 2025
Lent is more than just a season of fasting—it is a sacred invitation to renewal. For forty days, we are called to pause, reflect, and realign our hearts with God, just as Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness preparing for His ministry. This season reminds us that true transformation doesn’t happen in comfort but in intentional surrender. As we set aside distractions and seek God in deeper ways...  Read More
Snow Day
on January 22nd, 2025
This past week was nothing short of magical. Snow. In. Texas! Can you believe it? My family and I soaked up every second of this rare winter wonderland. We built snowmen (some of them a little lopsided), engaged in some friendly snowball battles, and enjoyed walks with that satisfying crunch of snow underfoot. These moments felt like pure joy—a once-in-a-generation gift straight from God.As I stoo...  Read More
Finding Connection
on January 15th, 2025
I believe that every person needs to feel connected to the story of what God is doing here at Alvin Methodist. We all long to belong to something greater than ourselves—a community where we are known, loved, and valued. Jesus demonstrated this beautifully when He said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35, NIV). The love of Christ becomes visi...  Read More
Costa Rica Conference
on September 16th, 2024
This week in Costa Rica was the inaugural General Conference of the Global Methodist Church. Perhaps you have followed along with some friends online, but let me share with you a bit of what I read:One friend wrote that he witnessed:"Tears as we signed our constitution and championed a new mission and vision statement. Tears as I saw people fall under the power of the Holy Spirit. Tears as the peo...  Read More
4 Years Out
on April 22nd, 2024
It is hard to believe it has been 4 years since our world went into shutdown mode during Covid 19. Nobody knew what it meant to go into lockdown mode and we surely didn't know how much toilet paper we were going to need.As I've been contemplating what has changed since Covid, I think there are four things that come to mind. First, our world is more polarized after Covid than it was before. It seem...  Read More
Riding a Bike
on January 5th, 2024
This Christmas my daughter achieved a milestone we have been working on for over four years. Audrey learned how to ride a bike. Audrey's attempt to learn how to ride a bike reminded me of our journey in our Christian faith.  Read More
Advent Day 15
on December 13th, 2023
READING:2 Samuel 5: 1-5KEY VERSE:King David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the Lord, and they anointed David king over Israel.REFLECTION:King and shepherd seem like opposites. A king sits on a throne wearing expensive clothes. A shepherd stand on the hillsides wearing dirty clothes. David was both. He was a shepherd God chose to be king. A shepherd is humble and cares more about people...  Read More
Advent Day 14
on December 13th, 2023
READING:1 Samuel 17: 1-54 KEY VERSE:David said, “The Lord, who saved me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, will save me from the hand of this Philistine.”REFLECTION:There was an epic standoff between two armies, the Israelites and the Philistines. The Philistines offered a challenge, if anyone can defeat our giant, Goliath, in a battle, then we will declare Israel the winner. B...  Read More
Advent Day 13
on December 13th, 2023
READING:Isaiah 11: 1-9 KEY VERSE:Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot - yes, a new branch bearing fruit from the old root.REFLECTION:Did you know that Jesse was the father of David, Israel’s greatest king. In these verses Isaiah prophesies the lineage of Jesse with the eventual coming of Christ. Did you know that God has a plan for each of us? No matter how big or small you are, we...  Read More
Advent Day 12
on December 13th, 2023
READING:Ruth 1:15 - 2:3KEY VERSE:But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.REFLECTION:Did you know that this story occurs in Bethlehem, hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus in that same city? In this story we find Ruth, a young lady from another country, who g...  Read More
Advent Day 11
on December 13th, 2023
READING:Joshua 1: 1-9, 5:13 - 6:20KEY VERSE:When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city.REFLECTION:After Moses dies, God appoints Joshua to be the new leader of Israel. Joshua is to bring the people to the land God had promised them. The first city they arri...  Read More
Advent Day 10
on December 13th, 2023
READING:Joshua 2: 1-21KEY VERSE:Then, since Rahab’s house was built into the town wall, she let down by a rope through the window.REFLECTION:In the story about Rahab a rope is significant as the means of salvation and deliverance. A rope is used to allow the Israelite spies to escape. Similarly, a rope hanging from Rahab’s upper window also signifies salvation for Rahab and her family when Jericho...  Read More