Acts Day 26
on October 9th, 2023
DAY TWENTY SIX | Acts 16: 1-15Visualize a flowing river, meandering through diverse terrains, continuously moving, shaping, and nurturing everything in its path. Acts 16:1-15 draws us into the river of divine appointments, where the flow of God's will brings unexpected encounters and opens doors to transformative experiences.Paul's journey starts with a significant choice: to take Timothy, a belie...  Read More
Acts Day 25
on October 9th, 2023
DAY TWENTY FOUR | Acts 15: 22-41Imagine embarking on a journey with a compass in hand. This compass, vital for direction, helps you navigate the winding paths, ensuring you stay on course. Acts 15:22-41 presents the early Church's journey, where wisdom, guidance, and relationships act as the spiritual compass, leading them through moments of clarity and conflict.The chapter unfolds with the Jerusa...  Read More
Acts Day 24
on October 6th, 2023
DAY TWENTY FOUR | Acts 15: 1-21Imagine a grand orchestra, with instruments of varying pitches, timbres, and origins. Each instrument has its unique sound, yet when played in harmony, they produce a magnificent symphony. Acts 15:1-21 mirrors such a symphony, showcasing the early Church's challenge to orchestrate unity amidst diversity.The discord arose over circumcision, a deeply rooted Jewish trad...  Read More
Acts Day 23
on October 6th, 2023
DAY TWENTY THREE | Acts 14:21-28Picture a refinery, where raw materials are transformed into something purer, more valuable. Acts 14:21-28 presents the early Church as this spiritual refinery, a place of both trials and transformation.Paul and Barnabas, after facing immense challenges, return to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch. They don't come back to boast of their successes, but to strengthen the d...  Read More
Acts Day 22
on October 5th, 2023
DAY TWENTY TWO | Acts 14: 1-20Acts 14:1-20 shows the roller coaster ride of sharing faith. In the town of Iconium, Paul and Barnabas tell people about Jesus. Many believe because of their strong, heartfelt words. It’s amazing to see how when we speak from the heart, people listen and change.But not everyone is happy. Some who don't believe start causing trouble. They speak against Paul and Barnaba...  Read More
Acts Day 21
on October 3rd, 2023
In the heartland of Asia Minor, nestled amongst rugged terrains, lies Antioch of Pisidia. This Roman colony, known for its strategic location and diverse populace, serves as a vibrant backdrop to our spiritual narrative in Acts 13:26-52. The city becomes an orchard, awaiting the seeds of the Gospel.Paul and Barnabas, as God's faithful gardeners, arrive to sow the seeds of salvation. Paul's message...  Read More
Acts Day 20
on October 3rd, 2023
Visualize the early Church as a ship sailing upon God's vast ocean. The Church at Antioch is its compass, guiding its direction through worship and fasting. The Holy Spirit, like a steady wind, fills its sails, steering Barnabas and Saul toward their divine destinations.Three significant navigational lessons emerge from this passage:Charting the Course in Worship: Just as a sailor listens to the w...  Read More
Acts Day 19
on October 2nd, 2023
DAY NINETEEN | Acts 12Imagine a fortress, its thick walls seemingly impenetrable. Yet, with every passing moment, tiny cracks begin to appear until, unexpectedly, the walls crumble. Acts 12 depicts such a fortress, not of stone and mortar, but of circumstances that seemed insurmountable, until they weren't.King Herod, bolstered by his power, imprisons Peter, intending to crush the burgeoning Chris...  Read More
Acts Day 18
on September 25th, 2023
DAY EIGHTEEN | Acts 11Consider a small circle drawn on a piece of paper. Now imagine a hand reaching out and gently stretching the boundaries of that circle until it encompasses a much larger space. Acts 11 paints a portrait of the early Church undergoing a similar stretching of its boundaries.Peter, freshly inspired from his encounter with Cornelius, faces criticism from the circumcision party. T...  Read More
Acts Day 17
on September 25th, 2023
DAY SEVENTEEN | Acts 10: 23b-48Envision a sudden downpour of rain, drenching every patch of land, every plant, and every person below without discrimination. Acts 10:23b-48 captures a spiritual downpour, where God’s Spirit falls upon both Jews and Gentiles, confirming His unbiased love and acceptance.Peter arrives at Cornelius’ home, breaking traditional barriers by entering the house of a Gentile...  Read More
Acts Day 16
on September 25th, 2023
DAY SIXTEEN | Acts 10: 1-23aImagine standing at the edge of a vast landscape, your vision limited to just the nearby surroundings. Suddenly, the horizon stretches, revealing an expansive and diverse terrain beyond what you thought possible. Acts 10:1-23a offers a glimpse of such an expanded horizon in the spiritual realm.Cornelius, a Roman centurion, is not within the familiar landscape of early b...  Read More
Acts Day 15
on September 25th, 2023
DAY 15 | Acts 9:23-43Imagine a serene pond. A single pebble is thrown in, and from its point of impact, ripples expand outward in concentric circles, influencing a much larger area than the pebble itself. The episodes in Acts 9:23-43 can be visualized as a series of such impactful events, each creating ripples that spread the influence of God's Kingdom further and wider.Starting with Saul, his bol...  Read More