Advent Day 9
on December 13th, 2023
READING:Exodus 19:16 - 20:20KEY VERSE:Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid; for God has come only to test you and to put the fear of him upon you so that you do not sin.”REFLECTION:After two months of traveling through the desert, the people of Israel reach Mount Sinai, where God offers them a covenant of permanent relationship with Him. When the people say that they do want to belong to Hi...  Read More
Advent Day 8
on December 6th, 2023
READING: Exodus 1:1 ‐ 2:10 KEY VERSE: When she opened it, she saw the child. He was crying, and she took pity on him. “This must be one of the Hebrews’ children,” she said. REFLECTION: When the Israelites came into Egypt, they multiplied and grew strong. Pharaoh was afraid the Israelites were becoming so numerous that they would organize and threaten his kingdom, so he enslaved them. But the Israe...  Read More
Advent Day 7
on December 6th, 2023
READING:Genesis 37: 1‐36 KEY VERSE:And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.REFLECTION:Jacob had twelve sons, but he has not treated them all the same. He had one son Joseph that was his favorite. The other brothers were jealous and took an opportunity to sell Joseph as a slave and pretend to their f...  Read More
Advent Day 6
on December 6th, 2023
READING:Genesis 28: 1‐17KEY VERSE:“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you un  Read More
Advent Day 5
on December 6th, 2023
READING:Genesis 21: 1‐7, 22: 1‐19KEY VERSE:“God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together.REFLECTION:God keeps His promise to Abram and Sarai, and their son, Isaac, is born. Their names change, too, to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham still trusts God, even when it seems that God wants him to kill his son Isaac, but what God wants is not the...  Read More
Advent Day 4
on December 6th, 2023
READING:Genesis 12: 1‐7KEY VERSE:I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.REFLECTION:God told Abram and his wife Sarai to take journey to an unknown land. Abram obeys when God tell him to move, and he believes God’s promise that he will have many grandchildren, even though so far he has no children. Abram’s cooperation with ...  Read More
Advent Day 3
on December 6th, 2023
READING: Genesis 6:11 ‐ 8:19, 9:8‐17KEY VERSE: Then God said to Noah, “As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark. REFLECTION: After Adam and Eve, people continue to try to do things their own way instead of ...  Read More
Advent Day 2
on December 3rd, 2023
READING:Genesis 2:8 ‐ 3:23 (TEXT) (VIDEO)KEY VERSE:And the Lord God commanded the man, “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.”REFLECTION:God gave Adam and Eve responsibility for the place in which God put them and told them to care for it in obedience to his instruc  Read More
Advent Day 1
on December 3rd, 2023
READING:Genesis 1:1 ‐ 2:4 (TEXT VERSION) (VIDEO VERSION)KEY VERSE:In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.REFLECTION:God was there before anything else. God spoke everything into existence. He made the world of nature, fitting it together so that every creature would have its own place and the things it needs to live. Because God made them, they are good and valuable. God also made ...  Read More
Acts Day 41
on October 23rd, 2023
DAY FORTY ONE | Acts 23: 12-35Life sometimes resembles a complex game of chess. On the board, pieces move, often with strategy and intent, yet occasionally they’re maneuvered by an unseen hand. Acts 23:12-35 unfolds like a tense match, where God, the grandmaster, orchestrates each play with precision and purpose.As the plot thickens, a group conspires to eliminate Paul, vowing neither to eat nor d...  Read More
Acts Day 40
on October 23rd, 2023
DAY 40 | Acts 22:22 - 23:11Envision an artist standing before a blank canvas, brush in hand, ready to create a masterpiece. With every stroke, a scene emerges, blending light and dark, calm and chaos. The narrative of Acts 22:22-23:11 paints a vivid picture on the canvas of Paul's life, showcasing how God, the master artist, uses both shadows and highlights to craft His divine narrative.The dark s...  Read More
Acts Day 39
on October 23rd, 2023
DAY 39 | Acts 22: 1-21Picture an intricate map, detailing every twist and turn of a journey. At first glance, the map may seem chaotic, full of detours and unexpected routes. Yet, as the journey progresses, each path reveals its purpose, leading the traveler to a divinely ordained destination. Paul’s testimony in Acts 22:1-21 can be likened to this life-map, a chronicle of God's intentional detour...  Read More